Fifteenth Annual International Graduate Student Conference on Transatlantic Historyat the University of Texas at Arlington Date of Conference: September 19-20, 2014Deadline for Abstract Submissions: June 25, 2014 (Submit Your Abstract Here) Keynote Address: Dr. Toyin Falola   For more information: The Transatlantic History Student Organization at the University of Texas… Continue reading


COURSE SYLLABUS COURSE: WOH2012 World Civilizations I ( to 1500 CE )TERM: FALL 2010 Instructor: Mr. Michael Deliz  Email:  (See Procedures Section below before emailing me)Phone: 407-385-0016 (text msg or voice-mail only)    Website: www.michaeldeliz.comOffice: Colbourn Hall rm 540Office Hours:  MWF 4pm – 5pm  (and by appointment when possible) TEXTBOOK:… Continue reading


COURSE SYLLABUS COURSE: WOH2022.003 World Civilizations II (1500CE to Present)TERM: FALL 2010 Instructor: Mr. Michael Deliz  Email:  (See Procedures Section below before emailing me)Phone: 407-385-0016 (text msg or voice-mail only)    Website: www.michaeldeliz.comOffice: Colbourn Hall rm 540Office Hours:  MWF 4pm – 5pm  (and by appointment when possible) TEXTBOOK: Edward Judge,… Continue reading