Fifteenth Annual International Graduate Student Conference on Transatlantic Historyat the University of Texas at Arlington Date of Conference: September 19-20, 2014Deadline for Abstract Submissions: June 25, 2014 (Submit Your Abstract Here) Keynote Address: Dr. Toyin Falola For more information: The Transatlantic History Student Organization at the University of Texas… Continue reading
Category: World History
Secrets of the Parthenon – Nova Episode
Video Description: A team of architects and engineers investigate mysteries of the Parthenon. How did the ancient Greeks design and build their masterpiece so quickly with precision and perfection without modern tools and architectural aids? Continue reading
COURSE SYLLABUS COURSE: WOH2012 World Civilizations I ( to 1500 CE )TERM: FALL 2010 Instructor: Mr. Michael Deliz Email: (See Procedures Section below before emailing me)Phone: 407-385-0016 (text msg or voice-mail only) Website: www.michaeldeliz.comOffice: Colbourn Hall rm 540Office Hours: MWF 4pm – 5pm (and by appointment when possible) TEXTBOOK:… Continue reading
COURSE SYLLABUS COURSE: WOH2022.003 World Civilizations II (1500CE to Present)TERM: FALL 2010 Instructor: Mr. Michael Deliz Email: (See Procedures Section below before emailing me)Phone: 407-385-0016 (text msg or voice-mail only) Website: www.michaeldeliz.comOffice: Colbourn Hall rm 540Office Hours: MWF 4pm – 5pm (and by appointment when possible) TEXTBOOK: Edward Judge,… Continue reading