Fifteenth Annual International Graduate Student Conference on Transatlantic History
at the University of Texas at Arlington

Date of Conference: September 19-20, 2014
Deadline for Abstract Submissions: June 25, 2014 (Submit Your Abstract Here)

Keynote Address: Dr. Toyin Falola 

 For more information:

The Transatlantic History Student Organization at the University of Texas at Arlington invites paper and panel submissions that are historical, geographical, anthropological, literary, sociological, cultural, and cartographic in nature that fall within the scope of transatlantic studies for participation in the 15th Annual International Graduate Student Conference on Transatlantic History to be held in Arlington, TX on September 19-20, 2014.

Topics may include but are not restricted to the following:
• Transatlantic encounters
• World Systems
• Atlantic empires
• Cultural creolization
• Transatlantic networks
• Network analysis theory
• Making of nation-states
• Transnational spaces, bodies, and families
• Transatlantic migration
• Diaspora studies
• Transatlantic Indigeneity
• Collective memory
• Identity construction
• African, European, and Amerind constructions of the Atlantic
• Transatlantic cuisine and consumption
• Intercultural transfer and transfer studies
• Transatlantic area studies (Caribbean, Latin American, Anglo-American, West African, Southern African, Mediterranean etc.)
• Teaching transnational history
• Research methods

Transatlantic history examines the circulation and interaction of people, goods, and ideas between and within the Americas, the Caribbean, Europe and Africa. Situated primarily in the fields of both social and cultural history, its approaches highlighted by comparative and transnational frameworks and fit within the body of Atlantic, Global, and World Histories. This conference seeks to explore and further establish shared terminology, methodologies, and defining parameters as they pertain to the field of transatlantic history. It also seeks to serve as an interdisciplinary and intercontinental meeting place where such ideas can converge into a common conversation.
Paper presentations will be accepted in English, French, Spanish, and German languages.
Submission of individual paper abstracts should be approximately three hundred words in length and should be accompanied by an abbreviated, maximum one-page, curriculum vita. Panel proposals (3-4 people) should include titles and abstracts of panel as a whole as well as each individual paper. The deadline for abstract submissions is June 25, 2014. On July 2nd we will notify authors of their acceptance. Selected participants’ research papers will be considered for publication in Traversea, the peer-reviewed, online, open-access journal in transatlantic history. Some travel financial assistance may be available for international participants.

Submit your abstract HERE!

This year’s conference is sponsored by Phi Alpha Theta, the Barksdale Lecture Series, the UTA History Department, and the College of Liberal Arts of the University of Texas at Arlington.

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