
COURSE SYLLABUS COURSE: WOH2022.003 World Civilizations II (1500CE to Present)TERM: FALL 2010 Instructor: Mr. Michael Deliz  Email: mdeliz@mail.ucf.edu  (See Procedures Section below before emailing me)Phone: 407-385-0016 (text msg or voice-mail only)    Website: www.michaeldeliz.comOffice: Colbourn Hall rm 540Office Hours:  MWF 4pm – 5pm  (and by appointment when possible) TEXTBOOK: Edward Judge,… Continue reading

Caribbean History Timeline 1850s-2000

1857Planters on Cuba want Spain to pay to free the slaves1858Dutch official church involved in the abolition movement1860The Vatican recognizes Haiti1863Slavery abolished on Dutch islands1865African and Chinese immigrants came to the CaribbeanMorant Bay Rebellion in Jamaica spurs Britain to greater island controlCuba’s reformists petitioned for changeDanish push to sell Virgin… Continue reading

UCF – WOH2022 – STUDY GUIDE for Midterm

UCF WOH2022 – Midterm Study GuideTest is multiple choice(YOU NEED A BROWN SCANTRON) Chapters Covered – 19, 20, 24, 26 Chapter 19 Sections Portuguese Overseas ExpansionColumbus’ Enterprise of the IndiesGovernment and Administration of Spanish Empire Chapter 20 Sections Roots of the ReformationThe Lutheran RevoltThe Rising Tide of RebellionHenry VIII and… Continue reading